Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Technology and Ethics

While there is a robust debate in American society over the relation between technology and such ethical issues as democracy, localism and the environment, the introduction of technologies admits of no debate. Jerry Mander writes, â€Å"It is a melancholy fact that in our society the first waves of descriptions about new technologies invariably come from the corporations and scientists who invent and market these technologies and who have much to gain by our accepting a positive view† (Mander, 1996, 345). This is a central point: the basic issue is that the introduction of new technologies is far removed from any real democratic discussion. Such discussion always occurs in a sterile environment, always after the fact.For example, the development and mass production of the automobile was hailed almost universally as a revolutionary development. It was supposed to provide freedom of movement and make our world smaller. Such slogans also met the development of air travel, televis ion and the internet. Such things were accepted in society almost without discussion, save for a few marginalized traditionalists and agrarians who were speaking into the wind. Nevertheless, the automobile has recreated the American landscape, demanded thousands of miles of paved roads, brought civilization to small towns whether they wanted it or not, killed many millions in traffic accidents worldwide, massively increased the dependence on oil and created a massive oligarchy of corporate capital who benefits from all this.It [industrialism] also led, and leads. . . to social and political consequences: the squeezing of farm populations and the uncontrollable growth of cities, the evisceration of self-reliant communities, the enlargement of central governments, the enthronement of science as ruling ideology, a wide and increasing gap between rich and poor, and ruling values of profit, growth, property, and consumption. (Sale, 1996)Now, the general point is had all of this been know n (or theorized) in 1920, and a national discussion had taken place, would we have the mass production of automobiles?Has it, ultimately, been a good thing? Often, the common response is that â€Å"you can’t stop progress.† Such a slogan is saturated with cynicism and amorality, as if technologies were some seismic phenomenon as natural as photosynthesis. Progress is something that is, as Mander says, dictated by a handful of major corporate and government agencies who decide what shape progress will take.In addition, Mander also holds that technologies, such as nuclear power and air travel, are inherently biased politically. He writes, â€Å"To build and operate nuclear power plants requires a large, highly technical and very well-financed infrastructure. . . It can only be done by huge, centralized institutions. Without such institutions, nuclear power could not exist† (Mander, 2006, 347). Mander sees the same problems in the development of the internet.Such s peed in communications and access to information does little but assist the continued centralization of political and economic power. â€Å"In fact, it is my opinion that computer technology may be the single most important instrument ever invented for the acceleration of centralized power. While we sit at our PCs. . . .transnational corporations are using their global networks, fed by far greater resources. . . .they operate on a scale and at a speed that makes our own level of cyber-empowerment seem pathetic by comparison† (Mander, 2006, 355).Even more, such global interconnectedness, long lauded as a path to freedom and unity, brings instead, cultural leveling and a destruction of diversity. The computer revolution is a revolution that permits a handful of major cultural centers such as Hollywood to impose their view of the world into every corner of the world, and the results of this are just beginning to be seen. The issue of Hollywood and New York imposing its view of t he world to the plant is a given: the facts speak for themselves. But one then must grapple with the issue of whether or not this is a good thing? What gives Hollywood the right?The general point is that the mega-technologies have brought the world closer together and sped up the speed at which we receive information. But what are the concrete results? Could any of these results have been foreseen in the late 1970s when this technology was being developed? And if not, what does this say about democratic governance? After all, computers and automobiles have revolutionized our society with far more direct results than who gets elected president. But again, there is no democratic control over these intimate invasions of our lives and the technologies themselves not only assume centralized control, but provide the agencies of centralization with greater and greater resources.Mander’s thesis is that technology is already biased in terms of centralization and statism. In other word s, the technological revolution, which clothed itself in the mantle of freedom and progress, in fact needs a huge centralized apparatus of physical, technical, educational, political and economic forms. The technologies that have revolutionized our society have both created and in fact, assumed the existence of a radically altered landscape that touches every element of human life.The technical apparatus that must be in place to electrify an entire continent must be huge, not to mention the standing armies that must be in place to defend the corridors of energy transmission such as oil pipelines. Technology is political, and most certainly, is not isolated from the remainder of life. Technology has, in the20th century â€Å"second industrial revolution,† touched every aspect of human life without a vote taken.All technologies have consequences, inevitable and built in, and imperatives, just as inevitable, essentially separate from human dictates and desires. Norbert Wiener, t he mathematician who was the founder of modern cybernetics, has written about â€Å"technical determinants† dictated by â€Å"the very nature† of machines, and of the steam engine he noted that it automatically leads to large and ever larger scales because it can power so many separate machines at once, to ever increasing production because it must pay back its high investment and operating costs, and to centralization and specialization because factors of efficiency and economy supersede those of, say, craftsmanship or esthetic expression. (Sale, 1996).Nevertheless, there can be no discussion of these topics without that of ideology. Technology does have its own ideology, and it needs to be â€Å"unpacked.† One might summarize this point of view this way: First, that technology has its own trajectory that is independent of the will of mankind. This can be challenged by the simple fact that all technological innovations of recent memory have been developed in a corporate setting under corporate rules for profit. Men have financed and created these things. But they have not financed or created these things blindly, as part of some â€Å"natural and inevitable process.† They have been created according to a scheme of thought.Second, this scheme of thought is that happiness is a matter of technological progress and the accumulation of capital. In other words, the person that has the better car, high tech stereos and I-Pods, must, in general, be happier than one that does not, or has older, outdated equipment. Yet, there is no evidence for this, one would have a tough time pointing to research that says people are happier or less stressed now than they were 1,000 years ago.Third,   the â€Å"market† is in control over whether or not technology is accepted and hence, democratically justifiable is often heard. In other words, the â€Å"democracy† problem is solved by the market itself. If new technologies are invented and marketed, people can choose to buy or not to buy. But is it that simple? One who buys the latest inventions is progressive, while the other is regressive. To have an 8-track player in one’s car is an occasion for mockery, regardless of the satisfaction one gets from having such â€Å"vintage† equipment. Advertising and marketing campaigns are not projected to one’s reason, but to one’s base passions, to be considered acceptable, lovable and intelligent, rather than boorish and ignorant. The acceptance or rejection of technology also partakes of these components as well.I think that in general, these arguments are universally seen as undergirding and justifying the immense power of technology in modern societies, and in fact, even defining what â€Å"modern† actually is. While technology is taken for granted, the beginnings of a serious discussion can only begin when the basic assumptions of a technological life are unpacked. What are the assumption s and promises, and to what extent has the high-tech society succeeded in meeting these expectations? It might be unreflectively held that people who lived 1,000 years ago were uniformly miserable and ignorant, yet serious research into that field has succeeded in smashing that silly myth, but it still remains the domain of eccentric specialists.Yet such a view undergirds much discussion on the question of technology and its role in society. Technology and its thought-apparatus have succeeded even in rewriting history to suit itself: people were miserable and ignorant up until the 19th century. It is difficult to see how the high-tech society can justify itself in any other way. But the nature of any â€Å"discussion† must have teeth. In other words, it must be attached to the ability of communities and families to break away from the grid and being living different, wholesome lives. Sterile academic â€Å"discussions† do nothing but justify faculty salaries. Such talk must have a revolutionary purpose, to shift the movement of progress as Bookchin sees it: from technological gigantism to miniaturism, starting with the means by which the machines are powered.Given the above arguments, Kirkpatrick Sale has written substantially on the rebellion, both historical and modern, of the land versus the machine, the ultimate bi-modality in this discussion. His argument nicely dovetails with Mander in many respects. The first question is the difference between technology and a system of production. Mander holds that there is no difference, that machinery depends on a huge, centralized system of life and thought, the â€Å"bureaucratic man.† On the other hand, Sale holds that the real revolution was in the development of the steam engine.For him, this was the first time that an invention came into existence completely independent of nature, rather than actually using it. Just as importantly, this invention also made the quantum jump from the world of local machines to an entire system of production and life. Steam created the modern factory and its discipline that derive from it (Sale, 1996). In other words, the development of steam took the organic community and plugged it into a world of production dominated by a handful of elites. But this should be noted: that it has been the issue of how machines are powered that led to the creation of the first â€Å"grid.†Again, the issue comes back to that of energy. With this, the more optimistic view of Bookchin makes more sense, since it is really not machinery per se, but the means by which they are powered that is non-liberatory in its tendency. Bookchin seems to say that the reduction of power to solar and wind sources (among other natural sources) is both inevitable (as oil runs out and coal is too dirty) and morally demanded if decentralization and true local democracy are to become a reality.In his â€Å"Five Facets of a Myth† Sale asks the simple question: has th e 400 years since the Industrial revolution produces more or less happiness for humanity (as a whole)? Has it produced more equality, more justice, less work, less stress, more mental stability, for humanity as a whole? What were the promises of the technological revolution? These arguments, from Bacon to Compte have been nothing less than plenty, peace, less work and stress, a veritable utopia of production where drudgery would disappear. Diseases would be cured, wars ended and mental illness a thing of the past. But has industrialism and technology carried through on these promises? And what has been the cost of the convenience that industry has created?It seems that Mander, Bookchin and Sale would all agree that the promises of industrialism and the technological revolution have not been fulfilled. As one sort of knowledge is brought forward, some others are left behind. All that does not conform to the English model of industrialization (or industrialization in general), is dism issively called â€Å"backward† and â€Å"primitive,† as terms of abuse.II. Society, Churches and the Technological RevolutionAs a matter of course, society seems to be a passive victim of the propaganda of the industrialists. Technology has invaded every corner of human life, altering landscapes of entire continents. All of this has been done long before any kind of debate has been engaged. This is the central problem. On the whole, churches have accepted the technological revolution with little protest. There are small exceptions: the Russian Old Believers, the Amish, some traditional Roman Catholic and Orthodox writers have detailed the problems, both moral and social, of technology and its dominance over life.One promising area of research has been developed by the green anarchists, who have taken at least some of their material from the erstwhile Murray Bookchin, who advocated a humanized technology detached from centralized structures. Solar power is the perennia l example, since it is relatively easy to install and is off a grid, in other words, it need not be connected into any larger structures of power. Bookchin, in his 1970 Post Scarcity Anarchism, contains a powerful essay called â€Å"Toward a Liberatory Technology.†The early date of this publication makes it of great interest in modern writings against the technological revolution. Bookchin is far more optimistic than Mander, and holds that the movement in this revolution is toward the small scale: computers and machinery in general are getting physically smaller and using less and less energy. This movement is a good thing and can assist in the building of a new, decentralized society (Bookchin, 1970, 59).A liberated society, I believe, will not want to negate technology precisely because it has liberated and can strike a balance. It may well want to assimilate the machine to artistic craftsmanship. By this I mean that the machine will remove the toil from the productive proc ess, leaving its artistic completion to man. The machine, in effect, will participate in human creativity. . . In a liberated community the combination of industrial machines and craftsmans tools could reach a degree of sophistication and of creative interdependence unparalleled in any period of human history (Bookchin, 1970, 80).The distinction between Mander and Bookchin in clear: For the former, technology is inherently biased, at least in its present manifestation. Mander, like Bookchin, holds that solar and wind power is the wave of the future, and, in general, can mean that life â€Å"off the grid† is quite possible, enhancing independence and local control over events. The central issue here is democracy and local control: off-grid means local control, and cultural and economic lives are not necessarily dictated by distant banks, the Federal Reserve or the global economy, none of which the average community has any control over. But in Bookchin’s case, the indus trial revolution already contains the seeds of its decentralization and hence, sees in the industrial revolution seeds of a new, liberated society. In general, by the term â€Å"liberated† Bookchin means independent of centralized sources of control.One interesting source of Christian radicalism has been the monastery. Here, especially in its Orthodox foundations, the technological revolution has been held at bay. For example, the Platina, California monastery of St. Herman is completely off grid. They have no running water or electricity, and grow most of their own food (Damascene, 2002). Their grounds are beautiful and spacious, and since they are vegetarians, hunting is prohibited (as is the case for all Orthodox monasteries). Their diet is very simple yet extremely healthy, and the community is growing. They run a major publishing house on generator power run by solar panels. The Platina experience has become central for giving an example of how to live a happy, healthy l ife without dependence on the system of interlocking systems of control which is meant by the term â€Å"grid.†Another example might be the St. Mary’s community in St. Mary’s Kansas. This is a Roman Catholic community that only partially controls the small town of St. Mary’s. They seek to live their lives simply and peacefully in prayer and honest labor. It is not a monastery and families thrive there, but they have already received several visits from the FBI, paranoid that a â€Å"cult† was at work there. If anything, such communities have an uphill climb from the state as well as the media, whose coverage of the community has been uniformly hostile and uncomprehending. (cf., St. Mary’s Academy page, with some information on the community as a whole).One can surmise with a great deal of justification that the average American family has embraced technology as â€Å"inevitable,† without fully understanding the com plex consequences of such technologies. Slowly but surely however, the rather marginalized monastics, anarchists and greens have made somewhat of an impact. But if Bookchin is correct, the smaller scale of newer technologies will make a freer life possible with rather small changes in social consciousness. What seems to be at the center is the nature of power. If power can be locally created through bio-mass or solar energy, then technology can become liberatory. The grid seems to be based on power, i.e. energy, more than anything else though it cannot be limited to that.Every community would approximate local or regional autarky. It would seek to achieve wholeness, because wholeness produces complete, rounded men who live in a symbiotic relationship with their environment. Even if a substantial portion of the economy fell within the sphere of a national division of labor, the overall economic weight of a society would still rest with the community (Bookchin, 1970, 83).The central g ood here is independence. But it is difficult to square the American interest in â€Å"environmental politics† with anything other than a fashionable political cause. It is hard to see how such a superficial commitment can be brought to bear on the rather humane anarchism and communitarianism of Bookchin. It seems that for the moment, the experiments such as Platina will remain marginalized and unappealing to the masses. The debate might continue, but, for better or worse, that does not stop the â€Å"inevitable wheel of progress† from spinning.A recent study from Cornell University suggests that most of Americans are strongly beginning to question the issue of genetically engineered foods. This technology was gradually introduced into food production largely unbeknownst to the American public. Hence, since about two-thirds of American food is so processed, the â€Å"debate† is largely a moot one. Nevertheless, Cornell claims that there has been a â€Å"slight but significant shift over time towards a little less support [for genetically engineered foods] and more risk perception† (Bio-Medicine, 2005).What are the conclusions we can reach here? The first might be that the more practical questions of the ethic of technology must be brought under a more general heading: this heading has been dealt with above and is the relationship of technology to liberty and democracy. All other goods flow from this. If one can show that technology has led to a stressed, mentally unbalanced and mechanized society, then one must be able to reform the system and bring to bear new insights. If machinery is harmful to democracy and local control, then it needs to be eliminated, or at least, highly modified in the way that Bookchin proposes. Hiding behind arguments about the   â€Å"inevitable† nature of â€Å"technical progress† will not do, but these only beg the question.Second, the question of technology and ethics is central to moder n societies, and needs to be taken out of the classroom and into the Congress and the public square. These issues are not about the â€Å"environment† per se, but the environment is just an appendage of the more important questions concerning the nature of centralized economic control (whether from the state or corporate America, or an alliance of both) and its intimate relation to the history of technological progress. This is the bedrock issue of technology and its relation to ethics, that is, to freedom and autonomy. Freedom and autonomy, therefore, must also be the bedrock of a democratic order.A Model Syllabus: A Brief IntroductionThis seminar is entitled Technology and Democracy, and will meet five times. It will incorporate film, written work and discussion. All points of view are welcome and encouraged. Nevertheless, it should be made clear that the basic issues are defined as the relationship of technology and the sources of its creation and marketing with democracy, equality and safety. The issues below are meant to illustrate these basic themes from varying fields of study. This syllabus is meant to take the basic insights above, that is, the relationship of democracy to technology (as the center of technological ethics) and bring it to bear on more practical pursuits such as medicine or computer science.Day IThe question of technology and childrenReadings to have prepared beforehand:Parens, Eric (2006) Surgically Shaping Children: Technology, Ethics and the Pursuit of Noramality. Johns Hopkins University PressThis work will be the main topic of the first meeting. Discussion and workshops will follow concerning the impact of technology on raising children. Topics will include, sex selection and abortion, genetic engineering and, importantly, the medicating of children, especially boys. Basic issues of sexism (especially anti-male bias) will be discussedDay IIEthics and Health Care TechnologyReadings to have prepared beforehandAnderson, James (2002) Ethics and Information Technology: A Care Based Approach to a Health Care System in Transition. Springer Books.The discussion will center upon the nature of genetic engineering in the realm of medicine and ethics. But what needs to be stressed is the connection between the corporate or state control of medicine and the nature of ethics and centralized power.A video will also be shown:Sulmasy, Daniel (2004) Dignity, Vulnerability and Care of the Patient. St. Vincent’s Medical Center. 55 min (available at IIIReadings to have prepared beforehandEthics and Weapons TechnologyBrigetedy, Ruben (2007) Ethics, Technology and the American Way of War. Routledge.This component will concern technology and the development of weapons. There is no separate between the industrial revolution and the development of mass warfare and extremely high-casualty wars. Technology must face this element of itself, its promises to bring humanity peace and plenty are belied by the fact that technology has all of the most deadly weapons known to man. Science, in other words, is not intrinsically liberating, it can also enslave.Day IVEthics and Information TechnologyReadings to have prepared beforehandStamatellos, Giannis (2007) Computer Ethics: A Global Perspective. Jones and BartlettThis part of the seminar will deal with the issues involved in computer technology and privacy. This is a central issue in today’s economy and must be dealt with. Issues such as Pay-Pal and Ebay will be discussed, as well as the potential for fraud and abuse.Day VEthics and mental HealthReadings to have prepared beforehandDyer, Allen (1988) Ethics and Psychiatry. American Psychiatric Association PublicationsMental health and pharmaceuticals are important areas of ethics today. Tens of millions throughout the world are currently on legal, pharmaceuticals for mental illness. Hence, the issue goes right to the heart of this course: the intimacy of technology to the average person. In this case, the technology goes straight to the brain and manipulates the chemistry, altering the personality for better or worse. But at the same time, these medications are marketed for profit, hence creating a moral quandary: is the prescription of these medications medically necessary or even proper? Is the profit motive center stage here, or the science of medicine, and even more, to what extent has this science been controlled by the profit motive itself?Students will end the seminar with a brief presentation concerning one of the these five topics relative to the main topic: the relation of technology to democracy and liberty.Bibliography:â€Å"American Opinions are Split on Genetically Engineered Food.† Bio Medicine News. 2005. (, Murray (1970) Post Scarcity Anarchism. AK Press.Damascene, Fr. (2003). Fr. Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works. St. Herman’s Press (Fr. Seraph im founded the settlement at Platina, CA)Mander, Jerry (2006). â€Å"Technologies of Globalization.† in Mander, ed. The Case Against the Global Economy. Sierra Club Books. 344-359Sale, Kirkpatrick (1996) Rebels Against the Future. Basic Books(nd) â€Å"Five Facets of a Myth.† Primitivism Online Journal. (

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Can Multiculturalism Really Reduce Prejudice? Essay

The term â€Å"multiculturalism† has recently come into usage to describe a society characterized by a diversity of cultures. Religion, language, customs, traditions, and values are some of the components of a culture, but more importantly culture is the lens through which one perceives and interprets the world. In the past several years there has been a growing trend towards multiculturalism in many areas of our society. Most of these trends are found on college and university campuses. I think this is likely due to a belief that the traditional Christian American values and views are unable to deal with the growing numbers of various ethnic minorities in our society. Phew, that was a mouth full. Although this trend would seem able to change society for the better, I believe that it has been and will be largely ineffective. It does, however, have some possible advantage over society’s traditional view. The Contact Hypothesis states that â€Å"increasing contact between groups can in some circumstances decrease prejudice between them. † It is possible that education about various cultural groups alone, could reduce prejudice similarly to actual contact; by increasing recognition of similarities, providing information that goes against the stereotypical grain, and breaking down the illusion of out-group homogeneity. It would likely do so less than contact. â€Å"Multiculturalism might be able to reduce prejudice without building the resentment, which sometimes occurs in contact. It is also possible that it could help encourage re-categorization. For the most part, however, it seems that multiculturalism will do little or nothing to get rid of prejudice and discrimination. Even assuming that multicultural education is nearly as effective as contact, it would not have much effect on society. Contact itself is only successful under certain circumstances. â€Å"(D’Souza, D. 8) The weakness of multiculturalism is that it only deals with a few of the many aspects of prejudice. Prejudice seems extremely difficult if not impossible to overcome in our society. The stereotypes that are created by and reinforce prejudice are neither rational ideas nor emotional responses. Multiculturalism treats them as if they were. â€Å" Stereotypes are the result of cognitive processes that are, by their very nature, difficult to change. Information that is inconsistent with stereotypes is usually forgotten, ignored, disregarded or devalued. One could be aware that less than 20% of Americans arrested on drug charges are black, and could feel some sort of brothership with humankind, and still be afraid of being mugged by a crack addict in a black neighborhood. â€Å"(Steeh, C & Schuman, H. 344) For example, I do not consider myself to be a racist. I have a Chinese friend, five of my friends are black and the other is Laotian. I’m also friends with a Mexican, a Puerto Rican, Turkish, Jew, the list goes on. I hold no attitudes towards these people, which are influenced by stereotypes. Although, when walking down the street towards a black or Latino person, I’ll admit that I become slightly nervous; just a little more ready to throw or receive a punch. â€Å"Entering a classroom or bus people (white) will most likely sit near a white person more readily than a minority member. If one needed to ask the time or ask for a cigarette, one would probably ask a white over a minority. They may be aware of these things even as they happen. Even aware of their irrationality. Maybe even familiar (hopefully) with the cognitive processes that cause these small discriminations, but it seems that they are helpless to stop them. † (Baron, A. 180) I can not pinpoint the root of my or anyone else’s prejudice. I attend now a nearly all white high school, before which, an almost entirely white middle school. Before the middle school, however, I attended an elementary school consisting of a very healthy mix of different cultures. Maybe less than half the school was white. Neither of my parents is overtly racist. Outside of the media, I have observed more whites committing acts of violence than blacks. On TV however, I have seen blacks behave in mostly negative ways. Or at least I remember it that way. The prejudices, which I have, are based on many observable traits other than ethnicity, as I suspect are most other peoples. I will have a less favorable impression of a black man in â€Å"typical† urban, hip-hop style clothing than of the same man dressed differently. Give him dreadlocks, braids, or a tall floppy head of hair and I will view him even more favorably. This seems to be the result of something other than direct experience. My interactions with blacks have not been more positive or negative based on the person’s mode of dress. â€Å"It seems that most stereotypes are based mainly on media images†(Baird, R. M. & Rosenbaum, S. E. 12). I also hold many stereotypes about members of various subcultural or demographic groups; wealthy students, middle class students, po’ students, business men (note â€Å"men†, stereotypical business person is male), marijuana users, cocaine users, etc. Some are as strong as the racial stereotypes I hold, and some are stronger. For example, given a black pot smoker and white business major that are otherwise identical, I would react more favorably to the latter. When a person belonging to an â€Å"outgroup† becomes more than a stranger or casual acquaintance the stereotypes that I hold about that group are quickly removed from that individual. But I don’t think that I change the stereotypes that I have about his or her group. I have personally experienced very little open racial discrimination towards myself. As a heterosexual, white, male I don’t really have to justify who or what I am. Most racial discrimination that I have faced was from African(I’m assuming)-American boys, with whom I shared a neighborhood with as a small child. Although never confronted directly, I was aware of the occasional dirty look and the usual â€Å"cracker† reference. But this is far from common and has not had a real impact on me. More often I am discriminated against because of my appearance. I have been subjected to a few bogus suspensions from middle school, just because I â€Å"looked† suspicious. One time, I was called down to the office, and blamed for throwing seat-tape on the school bus. I denied it, and told them to check the video tapes on the bus, after all, there are video cameras on each bus. Turns out, not one of them had me throwing anything of the sort. I still was forced to serve the suspension, just because I’ve gotten in trouble a couple times that month. Although these instances have affected me, they seem to have not been strong enough stimuli for me. As for reducing prejudice, there seem to be no easy solutions. It seems that there is a limit on how far rational and emotional arguments can go in eliminating it. I would like to think that I am close to that limit, because short of getting to know everyone personally, I can’t imagine how to reduce my own prejudices. Perhaps multiculturalism could help some people to begin to reduce their prejudices. But can multiculturalism really succeed? Even if people of all colors, genders and religions, were to somehow magically get along together in one community, wouldn’t there still be prejudice? Some people may be looked down upon as invalid. People with mental problems and disorders would no doubt be prejudiced upon. The same goes for people with speech impediments. They would have to receive special help, and for someone to acknowledge that is in a way prejudice. I believe that cultural equality, multiculturalism, peace, whatever, is an impossible goal. People are always going to be different, and that’s not bad at all. Bibliography Page Baird, R. M. & Rosenbaum, S. E. (1992). Bigotry, prejudice and hatred: Definitions, causes & solutions. Buffalo: Prometheus Books. D’Souza, D. (1995). The End of Racism: Principles for a Multicultural Society. New York: The Free Press. Baron, A. (1992). Valuing ethnic diversity: A day-long workshop for university personnel. Journal of College Student Development, 179-181 Steeh, C. & Schuman, H. (1992). Young White adults: Did racial attitudes change in the 1980s? American Journal of Sociology, 340-367.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nursing - Research Paper Example For example, the abstract concludes by the statement that qualitative and quantitative differences in the sialylation of superficial glycolipids in CF epithelial cells may contribute to the colonization of CF lung by P.aeruginosa. This creates suspense on the reader and a desire to read more of the article. Introduction: The introduction provides sufficient information concerning the study since it identifies the significance of the study. This is portrayed in last paragraph where Saiman and Prince (1993) identify the purpose of the research as to prove that asioloGM1 is a receptor of P. aeruginosa and it plays a role in increasing the surface of CF respiratory epithelial cells (p. 1875). The introduction outlines the contents of the study, and it identifies various terms used in the study. Terms such as cystic fibrosis trans membrane and pulmonary failure are identified. The major weakness of the introduction is that it doesn’t identify the methods of conducting the study and the problem statement. The purpose of the study is clearly identified in the introduction that is to prove that asioloGM1 is a receptor of P. aeruginosa and it plays a role in the surface increase of CF respiratory epithelial cells. The authors have used the population and the variable of the title in the introduction and the body of the article. For instance, P. aeruginosa has been identified as the basis of the articles research in the introduction (Saiman and Prince, 1993, p.1876), and they give the properties of the medical condition. The authors have succeeded in highlighting how P. aeruginosa affects C.F epithelial cells by increasing their surface. Basing on this, the authors have succeeded in integrating the population and its variable in the text.... The article does not have a section labeled literature review, however, in the introduction part of the paper, the authors have used the term various â€Å"studies† to denote that they have used other sources in coming with the results of the study. A major weakness in this is that they do not mention the studies they are quoting in the introductory part; therefore it is difficult to know the source of their literature review. This article contains clearly labeled theoretical framework section and the framework seems appropriate since no framework from nursing libraries could be located to guide the production of this particular kind of study. From the study, there are three assumptions made by the two authors. The authors have not provided challenges and limitations they encountered while conducting this study. This study has a broad implication for many areas of nursing such as nursing education, administration and practice. In administration, the nursing fraternity should support the conduction of research in areas highlighted by the text, and nurses should be trained on how to deal with the mentioned medical condition. this is a well-structured article, with proper identification of the scope of the conducted research. The authors have partly achieved the objective of their study, which is to prove that asioloGM1 is a receptor of P.aeruginosa. The researchers have also properly used APA citation techniques, and all in text citations are in the references section and due to these facts, I will strongly recommend a colleague to read it.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Themes Across Literature and Film Research Paper

Themes Across Literature and Film - Research Paper Example The stress associated with this disorder can trigger self-damaging impulses or suicidal, such as random sexual encounters (Baer et al 350), reckless behavior and minor crimes. Most of the people suffering this disorder normally have trouble operating in customary social environments. The women are more prone to this disorder than men. In many occasions, people suffering from borderline personality disorder experience feelings such as boredom, emptiness, feel mistreated and alone. Severe feelings of solitude or isolation are frequently accompanied by frantic struggles in order to avoid loneliness (Baer et al 350). The film Cruel Intentions features Kathryn Merteuil, a fictional character, and she plays as the main villain in this 1999 teen drama film. Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar plays the role of Kathryn Merteuil in this movie. Kathryn Merteuil, is the daughter of Tiffany Merteuil who is a very well respected socialite in New York. She went to school in Manchester Prep, which is a very prominent private school that is located just on the outskirts of the city. She lived with her mother on the Upper East Side. They moved into Valmont’s house immediately her mother was married to him (Porr). As Kathryn grew, she surpassed in a lot of school fields and turned out to be very eloquent and fluent in both Vietnamese and French Languages. She also learnt and became good at playing the Piano and she turned out to be well known and admired all over the school community as an idol and she became an inspiration to almost all the parents, yet she was clandestinely getting addicted to both cocaine and alcohol (Porr). Cassidy, a cousin to Kathryn, is even more devious than she is. Sebastian’s funeral inaugurates the new school year (Porr). As the service progressed, Kathryn makes a speech concerning her unsuccessful trials to get the late Sebastian to change his habits and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

China - Essay Example This started a continuing era of growth that is assessed periodically. Although the country strives for the economic growth there are factors that limit China's full economic growth. One factor that can be considered as the most influential cause of this state is the lack for political reform. Achieving the results that are aimed for such as the rapid economic growth requires the interplay of the different aspects in the nation most especially in governance. The process of launching this economic development requires changes both in the internal and the external factors. The external dynamics of economic growth includes the relation to other countries in terms of marketing products and other commercial transactions and trade. Internal factors on the other hand are lead by the reforms in the different aspects of the nation which is accompanied by the development in the government as well ("China: The four modernization"; Polonsky, Pucko, Warner, and Zhu). Through the development of China and its advancement in terms of the economic aspect, it can be viewed that there is an absence in the reform in the government. This is due the fact that China is socialist country that operates through a one party rule. This aspect had brought about both advantages and disadvantages to the nation. It can be viewed that through the success of China not only the economy of the nation but also the success of different businesses, it has not yet achieved its full potentials due to the fact that the people are working for the growth of the nation which even through hard work remains to be barely felt. This is the case for countries that operates a socialist form of government. In this from of government the people have common properties and works for the welfare of the nation and not for their own success. The government of China though has no plan of modifying already established political structure. This can be determined through the fact that through the alterations and development that was undertaken in the different aspects of the nation, any of the aspect of governance was not modified. China even promoted that their form of government is a unique feature in the economic success that was being experienced in the nation. This distinctive characteristic is comparable to the nations that have shifted from a socialist for of government to be able to better incorporate the economic development that is required for the growth of the nation. These include former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern European countries (Polonsky, Pucko, Warner, and Zhu). The lack of political reform has brought about problems in the different aspects of the nation. This is due to the fact that synthesizing the socialist form of government with the economic policies can be contradicting and affects the nation as a whole. One of the most affective factors in the process is in relation to the success that can be experience by individuals in a non-socialist country that has attained an economic growth that was achieved by China. This causes a conflict within the beliefs of the individuals who can feel just the minimal effect of the country's economic success. In this case the government can face a problem with discontentment of the people. For this matter, the leaders provide the nation with motivations on nationalism. That it is the success of the whole nation that they

Friday, July 26, 2019

Econometrics; empirical research paper; cigarette and education Essay

Econometrics; empirical research paper; cigarette and education - Essay Example Richter’s assertions confirm Godin’s argument that if at all an individual cumulate the number of hours/minutes spend while smoking and then compare with the level of output, then the relationship will not be proportional, rather lopsided. To determine the reliability and validity of the Richter’s and Godin’s assertions, data was collected and analyzed. The data variables were years of schooling, cigarettes smoked per day, years of smoking and annual income. The results from the collected data follow below; From the above multiple regression model with years of schooling as the dependent variable and years of smoking, annual income ($) and number of cigarettes smoked per day, the regression equation can be formulated as shown below; (Where Y = Number of smoking years, I = annual income and C = cigarettes smoked per day). From equation 1, a unit increase in years of smoking means that the person spend few year in school by a factor of 0.029 holding annual income and cigarettes smoked per day constant (controlling for annual income and cigarettes smoked per day constant). Further, an increase in cigarettes smoked per day by one cigarette means that the person spend few year in school by a factor of 0.016 holding annual income and years of smoking constant (controlling for annual income and years of smoking). The effect of years of schooling on the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the number of years is significant at 5% level of significance [t = -4.963, p

Just summary article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Just summary article - Essay Example Another problem that is presented in the article is perceived discrimination or prejudice. Taiwanese students are said to be the ones greatly suffering from this perception. Moreover, the length of stay again has an effect on this issue. As the students stay longer in the country, they come to learn more about the language and therefore their perceived discrimination lessens as they communicate more with Americans and know more about their American ways. Lastly, homesickness is seen as one adjustment issue that foreign students face. Research studies show that American freshmen showed lesser signs of homesickness compared to foreign students and this is affecting their social activities as well as their coping with the demands of college life, not to mention a new life in a new country. As the researcher proceeded with the study, it was found out that there are things that need to be considered for further studies such as the subjects. Most of the studies used in the article included undergraduate and graduate students. The concern of the author is for a study to be concentrated more on undergraduate students for a comparison if there is a correlation of the issues mentioned above with the age of students. de Arajao, Abrahao Andre. (2011). â€Å"Adjustment Issues of International Students Enrolled in American Colleges and Universities: A Review of the Literature†. Higher Education Studies. Vol. 1. No. 1. Retrieved

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Health politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Health politics - Essay Example Food firms produce large quantities of food using cheap, unhealthy ingredients, thus escalating the rates of obesity (Chung & Muntaner 2007, 89). This is the phenomenon that accounts for the ascending numbers of obese people in England. In this respect, there is need to have policies that stem the impact of this governance and economic mechanism to have a healthier nation. The White Paper attempts to find the solutions to the deep seated problem. Definition of Policies in Health Context Policies refer to the aims and objectives that a party or a government intends to achieve and uphold in the interest to the nation and its citizens. In health industry, policies are made by the government to maintain a healthy society. From 1970s, implementation and drafting of health policies has been based on preventive measures rather than curative measures as was earlier done (Chung 2007, 21). Health sector and stakeholders in the health industry have realized through rigorous studies that curativ e measures are expensive and yield no marginal benefits. Policies regarding health of the society are drafted and formulated for implementation by the government with wisdom and prudence in provision of superior health management (Erickson & Wilson 1994, 32). A health policy is usually a course of action and a method of intervention selected from among other alternatives to guide the present actions and determine future course of actions in the future. Health policies are high level general plans that embrace the overall goals and acceptable processes within the health sector. Features of Obesity Policies As this work deals with health policies in relation to obesity, it shall discuss some of the pertinent features of a policy in connection with the subject matter. Foremost, a policy must have a decision and an action. The government acknowledges the effect and degree of obesity in the society and makes a decision to curtail its negative effects. According to researches, there is a correlation between obesity and economic status of the affected people. The government acknowledges the fact that obesity is a chronic condition caused by behavioral factors (Boswell 2005, 24). In coming up with the policies to combat obesity, the government makes a decision to deploy means of nullifying all the negative externalities that accrue to social and health effects of obesity. The other feature of policy is action. The process of putting in place a policy to guide the public on issues relating to obesity is not complete with mere decision of the government to curtail obesity. The government must go a step further to take practical actions to curb obesity. The action should be geared towards reducing the costs of obesity treatment. The earlier measures and policies governments placed of curing maladies have been faced out due to their high costs (Borrell 2009, 43). Curative measures have led to elimination of infectious diseases, but not social and behavioral complications such as obesity. An action plan that attempts to provide formidable solution to prevalence of behavioral complications such as obesity involves formulation and implementation of health policy that recognizes intricacies of behavioral complications. Such a policy is geared towards making everyone custodian of his own health. It is a policy that makes everyone responsible for his health, and devolves the responsibilities of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

An economic analysis of the causes of serfdomslavery Essay

An economic analysis of the causes of serfdomslavery - Essay Example Serfdom on the other hand, is also a social economic system whose conditions of bondage are bound but not limited to the fields of landowners. This is in return for protection and the right to work in their leased fields. Basing on these definitions, serfs are also slaves, only that serfs are entitled to property rights, therefore, free, in a way, to do what he thinks is fit for his land. In an analysis paper on the causes of slavery or serfdom in relation to agrarian capitalism, the author distinguishes the two systems by the following context. This is with the assumption that: "A slave can be forced to supply unskilled labor when supervised by a farm operator but he cannot be forced to surrender his non traded skills. This captures the idea that you cannot make a slave a residual claimant without also giving them a substantial degree of independent control over how they allocate labor between their tenancy and labor services to the landlord. A slave owes labor service in return for nothing other than a subsistence wage, whereas serfs were typically peasant farmers who maintained access to land in exchange for payment to a landlord which may or not have included significant labor-service obligation." (Jonathan Conning, p.10) It was during the medieval times, with the rise of feudalism in Europe, that the era of serfdom and slavery became rampant. In the feudal system, the society was divided into three social classes, namely the religious, the nobles and the laborers. The serfs and the slaves were under the third class, whose tasks mainly consist of household duties. The nature of slavery and serfdom prior to the colonization of America was described in an online article at the following context: "Most slaves in Africa, in the Islamic world, and in the New World prior to European colonization worked as farmers or household servants, or served as concubines or eunuchs. They were symbols of prestige, luxury, and power rather than a source of labor." (Digital History online textbook) The Rise of Capitalism This social economic system developed further in Medieval Europe. Though it declined in Western Europe, in the later middle ages, it spread out on Eastern Europe. With the Europeans desire for colonization, it expanded to Africa and shortly thereafter, to Americas. An online article also pointed out that "It was only in the New World that slavery provided labor force for a high-pressure profit-making capitalist system of plantation agriculture producing cotton, sugar, coffee, and cocoa for distant markets." (Mintz, S.) This is when the nature of serfdom and slavery transformed and evolved. During this process of exploration and colonization, emerged the "triangular trade" between the colonies. The triangular trade is derived from the three ports or regions that participated in the trade namely West Africa, West Indies and Europe. The trade evolved where commodities that are not needed in one region are shipped (export) to other regions that needs and receives it (import). In this trading system, the products of slave labor like sugar, molasses, tobacco and rice were brought to England where an exchange of goods took place. The goods were also shipped to Africa in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Learning and Growth Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Learning and Growth Perspective - Essay Example The use of Balanced Scorecard is a very important aspect of the business compared to other performance management strategies; it responds immediately progress, feedback and changing business conditions. Various successful organizations like Futura Industries have used this strategy of the Balanced Scorecard and it is evident that the strategy has positively contributed to the companies’ success over years. A Futura Industries is an international company based in Utah led by Susan Johnson. It has more than 50 years of experience in aluminum design, extruding, fabrication, finishing, and machining. They needed a plan to help the business grow over years. Susan Johnson, the president of Futura Industries came up with the idea of deploying the Balanced Scorecard in the organization. She argued that for success to be evident in the company, employees’ welfare is the key to success. She believed that employees are very important assets to the company that need to be treated w ith utmost care and respect. She says that; Futura does not only require great machines, but also great people. For an organization in its success in its endeavors; â€Å"The opportunity for personal growth is one of the keys to maximizing employee motivation† (Bruce & Pepitone, 1999, p.9). Susan Johnson considered growth, innovation, and learning quadrant of the Balanced Scorecard as the most important aspects for the company’s growth. A company’s success goes hand in hand with its foundation which is molded by the employees. For Futura company success to be evident, Susan Johnson says that the company not only expects success to come from the employees but also its customers. Good Customer care service leaves a promising fact to the company that the customer will still come back someday. The Balanced Scorecard has helped Futura Industries in that, the company set goals and provided a safe, challenging and enjoyable workplace for the employees. Futura industrie s used the strategy of hiring and people and retaining the best people in the market and customer devotion which highly contributed to its competitive advantage with the other rival companies in the market. To maximize employees motivation in Futura, Johnson came up the idea of implementing surveys to the employees such as; Employee friendly initiative at Futura, Birthday Review, Leadership Review, Certification and Training Matrix, and an Annual Performance and Personal Development Review. Performance appraisal in an organization can be widely measured in different aspects as in the case of Futura. It contributes on determining the employees view regarding the company in general and what improvements should be done. Generally, â€Å"productivity can be increased significantly if supervisors set a specific production goal and provide attention and support to the workers† (Grote, 1996, p.6). At the end of every year, employees at Futura Industries complete the Employee Friendl y Initiative survey which records in excess of 60 benefits and other factors that are important to the employee such as; Sports team membership, Medical benefits, spouse scholarships, and flextime options are discussed. The survey asks the employees to give their views about the review benefits. In the case of Birthday Review, the employee is given the review survey in the same

Monday, July 22, 2019

Building High Performance Team In A Minute Essay Example for Free

Building High Performance Team In A Minute Essay When working with a group or a company, the most expected mantra recited is â€Å"be a team player† in order contribute for the organization’s accomplishment of all its goals and objectives. To quote, â€Å"Someone may be great at his or her job, maybe even the best there ever was. But what counts at work is the organization’s success, not personal success. After all, if your organization fails, it does not matter how great you were; you are just as unemployed as everyone else† (Johnson, Kantner Kikora, 1990). This is why Kenneth Blanchard decided to jack up his One Minute Manager book series by coming up with something that will focus on teamwork, which is The One Minute Manager Builds High Performing Teams (1990, revised 2000). With Eunice Parisi-Carew, Blanchard tackles in this book the in-depth dynamics of team structure and the most rewarding interactions of each team members. Blanchard hopes that, by reading the book, participants of these work groups will gain a clearer understanding of how their teams may function at optimal levels. As a prominent author, speaker and business consultant, Kenneth Blanchard is often described as one of the most insightful, powerful and compassionate gurus in the business world. Blanchard is chairman of Blanchard Training and Development Inc., a management consulting and training company which he founded in 1979. He co-authored four books in the One Minute Manager series that collectively sold more than nine million copies and have been translated into more than 20 languages. Also, he has regularly appeared on popular television news and business programs in the US and has been featured in leading magazines such as Time and US News. This is why if somebody has enough expertise on how teams can be made effective, Blanchard has definitely the authority to discuss how teams work to become high performing and achieve excellence for the organization. Noted for his leadership approach that promotes self-esteem and self worth through a clear and structured approach to making people accountable for their behavior, Blanchard emphasized that â€Å"people who feel good about themselves produce good results — and appeal is based on applying techniques that take only one minute to apply†. What’s most relevant in e One Minute Manager Builds High Performing Teams (2000) is that the authors presented seven characteristics of the perform model that identified the desired behaviors of an effective team:  · Purpose. Team members are clear about what the teams work is and why it is important.  · Empowerment. Members are confident about the teams ability to overcome obstacles and to realize its vision.  · Relationship and communication. The team is committed to open communication, and members feel that they can state their opinions, thoughts and feelings without fear.  · Flexibility. Members are flexible and perform different tasks and maintenance functions as needed.  · Optimal productivity. High-performing teams produce significant results, due to a commitment to high standards and quality results.  · Recognition and appreciation. Individual and team accomplishments are frequently recognized by the team leader as well as team members by celebrating milestones, accomplishments and events.  · Morale. Members are enthusiastic about the teams work, and each person feels pride in being a team member (p. 9-16). At 106 pages, this book is not a heavy read and filled with fictionalized dialogue to establish concrete examples. Also, this book interestingly explains the developmental stages a team goes through on their quest in becoming â€Å"high-performing† and â€Å"self-directed.† Emphasizing on the group dynamics, the authors easily described how an effective leader or â€Å"educator† can help steer the team that will empower individual members to contribute their creative ideas and talents to attain the common goal: accomplishing the team’s mission. In the work environment, teams materialize to focus on tasks or solve problems that are beyond the capacity of one individual. With this type of set-up that allow creative and innovative juices to flow through the constant sharing of information,   people could appropriate division of labor among the members of the team can lead to more effective, more efficient and less stressful workplace. Their high levels of performance with regards to quantity, quality, and timeliness of work results can contribute to their sense of satisfaction, addressing a psychological and motivational need. With incessant exposure to each other, team members and their superiors could ascertain whether they have a team that can continue working together with synergy or their togetherness poses a detrimental effect on their output and interrelationships. Thus, with the help of this book, managers, leaders and even parents can make most of their teams to have a wider perspective of the processes and a detailed coverage of the activities that occur and address what needs to be improved in their respective organizations.

Companies And Organizations Definitely Have Systematic Strategic Management Marketing Essay

Companies And Organizations Definitely Have Systematic Strategic Management Marketing Essay Companies and organizations definitely have systematic strategic management process in order to achieve competitive advantage over its rivals in the industries. The same goes to Hwa Tai Industries Berhad (HTIB). HTIB has been conducting strategic analysis to analysis the external and internal environment of HTIB. HTIB formulates strategies after analyzing the environment and implements the strategies formulated. Strategic analysis of HTIB It is undeniable that HTIB has a good strategic management that eventually drives it to success. Wheelen Hunger (2006,p.3) states that the set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of a corporation is strategic management which consists of environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, evaluation and control. Porters Five Forces as analytical tool for external environmental scanning The external environment of HTIB includes the general environment and competitive environment. Talking about the competitive environment, HTIB has been scanning it via Porters five forces. Michael E. Porter is the one who develops the five-forces model to describe the specific environment in an industry (Ketchen et al,2009). The threat of new entrants The threat of new entrants refers to the possibility that the profits of established firms in the industry may be eroded by new competitors(Greenwald Kahn 2005) . We cannot deny that fact that HTIB is the second best biscuit manufacturing company in Malaysia market( Hwa Tai rationalizes business process 2009). It has a stable position in the biscuit manufacturing industry and thus the threat of entry by newcomers is low. The newcomers like Gloria Biscuit faces with high entry barriers because HTIB which is their existing competitor has strong brand identification. Consumers are loyal to HTIBs products and its product differentiation has created a high barrier to entry to Gloria Biscuit. Gloria Biscuit has to spend a lot to defeat the existing customer loyalty on the products of HTIB. Therefore, it is not easy for the newcomers to entry the biscuit manufacturing industry and affect the position of HTIB. This is an opportunity to HTIB to own its market with fewer new entrants after having the SWOT analysis. HTIB will always be the strong biscuit manufacturer and last long in the market. The bargaining power of buyers Buyers can affect an industry through their ability to force down prices, bargain for higher-quality or more services, and to play competitors off against each other. (Henry 2008). The bargaining power of buyers of HTIB is high. There are many other biscuit manufacturing companies in the market and the products from the industry have standard or undifferentiated. Buyers can easily get the alternative suppliers from the market such as Munchy, Hup Seng, Julies, Shoon Fatt, and so on. Since it is an ease to get standard products and have alternative suppliers, buyers emphasize the prices of the products more than which biscuits taste better. The products of HTIB is not very expensive compared with others biscuits of other brands and many buyers choose the products of HTIB now. This finally creates high bargaining power of buyers of HTIB. Large-volume purchases by buyers are important to HTIB. The higher sales of HTIB enable it to gain higher profit margin. The bargaining power of suppliers Supplier can exert bargaining power over participants in an industry by threatening to raise prices or reduces the quality of purchased goods and services.( Ketchen et al,2009). HTIB has the low bargaining power of supplier. This is because the ingredients of manufacturing biscuits and cakes such as eggs, flour, sugars and others can be found everywhere from any suppliers. Many traders supply those ingredients in the market. Thus, HTIB can have ingredients anytime without worrying lack of inputs. More importantly, the bargaining power of supplier is low because the switching cost to other suppliers is low. Suppliers products are very crucial to HTIB to have effective production to fulfill the demand of buyers and production of high quality products to the public. Besides raw materials, another important input to HTIB is the supply of labor. HTIB does not only own the domestic market but also own the international market. It exports its products to many foreign countries, hence, it needs a lot of labor to contribute to the high production of biscuits. The threat of substitute products and services Due to the technological advancement nowadays, there are a lot of substitute products with different appearance but have the same function to satisfy the same need as another product in the market. According to Porter, Substitutes limit the potential returns of an industry by placing a ceiling on the prices firm in the industry can profitably charge.(Porter 1980). The threat of substitute products is high because there are a lot of products which able to satisfy the need of consumers, too besides the products of HTIB. For instance, the Kelloggs rice krispies cereal can be a substitute product for the biscuits by HTIB. Consumers can have the rice cereal as breakfast in stead of HTIB s biscuits. Consumers can also eat instant noodles MAGGI in stead of eating cakes by HTIB, and even the Gardenia bread can replace the biscuits and cakes by HTIB for meal. The prices of the substitute products bring effect to the products of HTIB and finally influence the return and profit of HTIB. This i s the threat of HTIB as what the SWOT analysis shown. Technological advancement is also one of the element of PEST analysis for general environment which brings effect to HTIB itself. The intensity of rivalry among competitors in food processing industry Rivalry among the firms occurs when rivals sense the pressure or act on an opportunity to improve their position. HTIB faces intense rivalry in the food processing industry. The rivalry is very intense because there are numerous or equally balanced rivals in the market. Nestle, Kellooggs, Hup Seng, IKO and others which are the direct rivals compete with HTIB for the consumers. Each of the companies manufactures biscuits ,cakes and snacks. Super, High 5, Gardenia and so on are the indirect rivals of HTIB. Diversity of risk occurs since the rivals compete with each other with different ideas to challenge the position of HTIB. It is clearly depicted when Kelloggs and Nestle advertise their products through the media to introduce their products to the public to increase their sales. The intense rivalry brings some impacts to HTIB as the rivalry will erode its profitability and may decreasing its sales of 72,106,000 in 2009 in the future (appendix no4). SWOT analysis as analytical tool for internal and external environmental scanning SWOT analysis (Andrew 1971) refers to strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, a framework for analyzing a companys internal and external environment. Albert Humphrey is the one who create SWOT analysis. (Friesner, T 2007).Strength and weakness are referred to the internal environment of the HTIB whereas opportunity and threat are referred to the external environment of HTIB. Strength of HTIB Strengths are areas where the organization excels in comparison with its competitors. HTIB has its own strengths in order to be the second best biscuit manufacturing company in Malaysia market. HTIB has strong research and development ( RD )focus. HTIB do RD to produce better quality products. It can be said that HTIB has core competence of strategic capability. Having better and special products enable HTIB to achieve competitive advantage. HTIB possesses tangible resources and intangible resources to compete more successfully. In term of tangible resources which include physical resources, HTIB has its own lab and professionals to conduct RD. HTIB has also intangible resources which is technological resource to renovate the existing products and as fast as what consumers expect. Good allocation of resources enables HTIB achieve cost effectiveness without waste. The effort of HTIB has driven it to have high brand equity and eventually gains a lot of awards for its biscuit products such as Malaysia Power Brand Award 2008 ( appendix no2) by the Asia Entrepreneur Alliance Worldwide. 2.2.2 Weakness of HTIB Weakness are areas where the organization may be at a comparative disadvantage. HTIB has its own weakness although it has been achieving success. HTIB has limited presence in organic food market. Consumers more and more care about their healthy. They prefer organic food to normal food because they think that organic food is free from chemical. Among the products of HTIB, only the biscuits with the brand name of LUXURY almost fulfill the requirement as organic food because they contain whole meal, wheat bran and others which consumers think that they are nutritious. However, the other products of HTIB still not be grouped as organic food. This may lead HTIB lost some market which loves organic food and their sales will not be as high as what HTIB targeted. Opportunities of HTIB After analyzing HTIB, there are opportunities that enable HTIB to gain profit and growth. HTIB has the opportunity to own the manufacturing agreement with London Biscuits Bhd (Hwa Tai to market London Biscuits Swiss rolls 2007). HTIB is in collaboration with London Biscuits Bhd and it really brings a lot of opportunities to HTIB because it gives HTIB instant expanded production capacity and opportunities to create a new variety of cakes by the sharing of technology between them. HTIB is appointed to market and distribute the best-selling product, Lonbisco Swiss rolls. HTIB is the key distributor to mini-markets, supermarket and hypermarket in Peninsular Malaysia. These opportunities have widen HTIBs market and it will definitely progress rapidly within few years. Threats of HTIB Threats are something from external environment of the company that will deter the company from obtaining success. HTIB faces some threats that deter it from having smooth production. Expensive raw materials is the main threat faced by HTIB. It contributes towards the increasing of cost of production of HTIB. Although HTIB has the opportunities to own manufacturing agreement with London Biscuits Bhd, high production cost is a burden to HTIB. HTIB has to prepare a lump sum of money from time to time in order to have smooth production. Due to the high cost of production, HTIB is not able to increase the number of countries for its exportation. Such situation is really a barrier to HTIB to enter the bigger market. Internal analysis(Benchmarking as analytical tool for internal environmental Scanning) Benchmarking is a systematic comparison of organizational processes and performance to create new standards or to improve processes. (Benchmarking methods 2009).After analyzing HTIB, Nestle is a more success company compared to HTIB. Nestle has diversification and manufactured a variety of products. Nestle has much more range of products compared with HTIB. HTIB should improve and increase its types of new products besides the existing type of products although it has been making upmarket biscuits and non-traditional product such as baked potato chips to suit the consumers taste (Hwa Tai makes upmarket biscuit to suit new tastes(656)1999).HTIB has only three types of food which consist of biscuits, cakes, and snacks whereas Nestle has more types of food such as drinks, instant noodles, biscuits, cakes, snacks and so on. Wider range of food enables company to gain wider market and higher sales. If HTIB does as what Nestle did, HTIB will as successful as Nestle. 3.0 Strategy formulation of HTIB Either the weaknesses or threats of HTIB are clearly depicted after analyzing the company through SWOT analysis and Porters five forces. Strategy formulation should be conducted with the aid of the opportunities and strengths of HTIB to tackle its weaknesses and threats in order to accomplish sustainable competitive advantage within the food processing industry. 3.1 Business level strategy Business level strategy is a means of separating out and formulation a competitive strategy at the level of the individual business unit.(Henry, A 2008) There are five generic competitive strategies which are generated by Michael Porter (1980) to achieve the competitive advantage and only low cost strategy is the most suitable way to HTIB because he stated that low cost strategy and differentiation will be stuck in the middle if using both at the same time (Henry 2008). 3.1.1 Low cost strategy Low cost strategy is used by the companies which produce their products and services at the lowest costs within an industry without sacrificing the products quality and market them at a broad market. This strategy is suitable to HTIB to tackle its threat of high cost of production. This strategy implies low overall costs in term of raw material, production, transportation and so on. HTIB can achieve low cost strategy through economic of scale. Economic of scale arises when the cost per unit falls as output increases(Economic of scale 2008). HTIB has low bargaining power related to its suppliers since it will order high quantities of raw materials at a cheaper price from any suppliers for its production and eventually contribute towards cheap cost of production. Besides, HTIB has its strength of strong research and development (RD). It should utilize its strong RD to find out the better product designing for efficient production like easy-to-use manufacturing technologies so that costs can be reduced and increase quantities without affecting quality. Workers should be sent for training so that skilled workers available in the production and able to work in team effectively and deliver the lowest possible costs of production. HTIB should also signing contract with certain logistic company so that to get lower costs of transportation. This is win-win strategy since the logistic company gain profit from HTIB for longer duration whereas HTIB able to reduce its cost of transportation. The effort of HTIB in reducing overall costs enables HTIB to have lower costs of production and lower selling price for its products than its competitors. For instance, cream sandwish biscuit of HTIB costs RM2.99 a packet whereas Lexus of Munchys costs RM 4.60 a packet, that is 35% cheaper than Munchys product. HTIB drives its cost-based competitive advantage into price advantage to the customers and gain high market share eventually. HTIB can be price leadership finally because it can adjust the price as it like. Its price can act as the entry barrier to the new entrants, too since newcomers are not afford to set lower price for their products to compete with HTIB. HTIB will be able to overcome its threats after utilizing low cost strategy because it enables HTIB to settle the threat of expensive raw material and enter bigger market. More importantly, HTIB able to reduce the threat of substitute products because buyers prefer to buy biscuits, cakes and snacks with high quality and c heaper prices. Having low costs strategy, HTIB will be able to compete with its competitors , General Mills which also conducting low costs strategy . Low costs strategy is really a better strategy for HTIB to settle its weakness and threats as well. 3.2 Corporate level strategy Corporate strategy is primarily about the choice of direction for a firm as a whole and the management of its business or product portfolio. (Wheelen Hunger 2006,p.3). Growth strategy from the directional strategy is the most suitable strategy for HTIB. A directional strategy is any trading or investment strategy that entails taking a net long or short position in a market.(Directional trading strategy 2005). 3.2.1 Growth strategy There are many aspects that needed to be grow so that HTIB can become more competitive in the market. Growth in the aspects of sales, assets, profits, or some combinations are crucial to HTIB. Ansoff (1965) devised a matrix to analyse the different strategic directions organizations can pursue . Market penetration Market penetration is the effort of increasing the market share in the existing market with the existing products. HTIB has been exporting its products to foreign markets and domestic market. HTIB has a lot of consumers who eat its biscuits, cakes and snacks worldwide. However, HTIB should keep on its effort to increase its market share in the existing market by attracting more new consumers to buy its existing products. HTIB should also make sure that the existing consumers to eat more its products. With the capabilities and resources of HTIB, this strategy is not risky because HTIB do not need to do anything unless increase its products quality to meet the consumers needs and wants. Improving its quality is not a problem to HTIB as it has professionals for RD. Market development Market development is the entry of the new market with the existing products. HTIB should aim at other market segments and geographical areas as well. For instance, the products of HTIB are not HALAL since HTIB not yet apply for that. Malays are not allowed to eat food without HALAL and they are not dare to buy the biscuits of HTIB. HTIB should target at demographic segmentation in term of religion in order to develop new market for its existing products. HTIB should put their effort to work on it and apply for HALAL so that Malays market segment can be another new market for HTIB and increase its sales. Besides, HTIB should export its products to more foreign countries other than its existing international market. New geographical areas should be found so that its products can be distributed to more countries such as Malays countries to increase its sales. Although it is a risk to distribute products to new market or geographical areas due to unfamiliar with their habits and culture, HTIB is yet able to distribute its products to more Malays countries since HTIB which based in Malay country, Malaysia already know thoroughly about the culture of Malays. It becomes less risky if HTIB chooses the right market segment. Diversification Diversification occurs when an organization seeks to broaden its scope of activities by moving into new products and new markets. Diversification is actually a suitable strategy for HTIB because it helps to spread risk by reducing reliance on any one market or product(Ketchen2009). For instance, HTIB should have diversification by producing new products like organic food to new market especially health-conscious market. HTIB will face lesser competition if having new market. If one of the existing product is not in high sales, HTIB is still safe because consumers from other market may buy its other products. The risk of low revenue will be spread among different products. HTIB will be afford to implement diversification because it will earn a lot after implementing the low cost strategy. HTIB itself do not need to find more capital from other resources to sustain the diversification of products. As the result of benchmarking, having diversification is crucial in order to own sustaina ble competitive advantage forever. Related diversification HTIB has limited presence in the organic food market and this is the weakness of HTIB. It is suggested that HTIB should implement the related diversification because HTIB itself has the capabilities and resources of entering the organic food industry which there are some links with its own existing value chain. HTIB should diversify its products by manufacturing organic food to meet the needs of health-conscious consumers. Horizontal integration should be done by HTIB to take over its competitors and offer organic food as complementary products at the same stage within its value chain. If HTIB ables to do so, HTIB does not only has biscuits, cakes and snacks but also has organic food to new market. Its competitors like Nestle and Kelloggs do not have organic food at all and HTIB will be able to take over them. 4.0 Strategy Implementation of HTIB Strategy implementation is the sum total of the activities and choices required for the execution of a strategic plan.( Wheelen Hunger 2006,p.3). HTIB is trying to achieve efficiency after achieving effectiveness through strategy formulation. Having efficient implementation of strategies assist in building a capable HTIB in term of staffing, structuring and having core competencies and capabilities within the biscuit industry to achieve its vision of being the main players in biscuit industry with its quality products. 4.1 Management issue of HTIB ( division restructuring and rightsizing) Since HTIB needs to implement market penetration, market development and diversification as well, it needs more capital to succeed them. Therefore, division restructuring and rightsizing are better ways to gain more capital for those developments and improve the productivity and efficiency of the management team. Both ways help in low-cost strategy by reducing the expenses on tangible and intangible resources and salary. For instance, accounting department should combine with the financial department. This is because costs can be saved in term of expenses of stationery and office equipments and salary of employees because they can share resources when working together. Both departments deal with the same people for their range of works. Hence, the number of employees should be reduced by letting off the poor performers after combining both departments to reduce the expenses on salary. Top Performer Profiling (TPP) should be implemented to judge the employees according to their knowle dge and experience, skills and abilities, and behavior and characteristics ( rightsizing for profitability2009). In doing so, the employees are laid off fairly without affecting their motivation to work. HTIB is able to minimize its input by reducing cost and able to let the talented employees to enact adaptable workforce planning. They will fully utilize their talent on business needs to bring competitive advantage to HTIB (Rightsizing in challenging times 2008). The capital saved can be used for other purposes like market penetration , market development and diversification which help in maximizing the profit. Although diversification requires some cost but the low cost strategy implemented by division restructuring and rightsizing already save lots of cost and the capital is enough for the implementation of diversification since HTIB is not a poor company. 4.2 Marketing issue of HTIB 4.2.1 Market segmentation Marketing variables will influence the success or failure of strategy implementation of HTIB. It depends on how HTIB chooses the suitable market segmentation for its products. Market is being subdivided into distinct subsets of customers regarding to the needs and buying habits of consumers. Having appropriate market segmentation helps a lot in market development and market penetration as well. HTIB can spend wisely if allocate resources to the appropriate market segmentation. For instance, besides the market segmentation in term of religion as mentioned in strategy formulation, market segmentation in term of occupation has high possibility to bring high profit margin to HTIB. Students and the office workers consume the products of HTIB more than the other people with other occupation. This is because biscuits and cakes of HTIB are packed conveniently and easily brought everywhere. Cakes and biscuits are sufficient to the students and office workers who use less energy for their work and daily school activities. Products of HTIB are better choices for them because their prices are reasonable and not heavy and fulfill their needs. If HTIB invest in this market segment besides the Malay market segment, HTIB can earn a lot in the future. 4.2.2 Marketing mix Price Having the appropriate market segmentation, it is actually directly affecting the marketing mix variables too. Marketing mix consists of price, promotion, place and product. It is very acute that HTIB should pay more attention on fixing the selling price. Since it is suggested to conduct low cost strategy, HTIB affords to set lower selling price because of its low cost of production. For instance, HTIB should set reasonable price to the market because its main consumers are come from well-off family and not all from rich family. It is clearly depicted through the chart (appendix no3)which shows that the earnings of HTIB increase from 2009 to 2010 when its price of products decrease. This shows that lower selling prices assist in increasing profit margin of HTIB and HTIB should continues it by having lower prices for its products. HTIB should not set the higher price because its number of consumers may reduce especially the number of students who are not afford to buy expensive biscui ts and cakes daily. In doing so, HTIB will be the price leader within the industry and able to compete with its main competitors like Nestle and Kelloggs. Promotion HTIB should promote its products to the market segment targeted so that the targeted consumers spend on its products. For example, HTIB should promote its products through advertising. Advertising may bring deeper impression to the market segments targeted especially the students. Students can be said glued to the television screen more than loafing in supermarket. Students will be exposed to its products more if advertise snacks and cakes through advertisement. Place Place is very crucial because it determines how easy the consumers to get HTIBs products. Fortunately, HTIB already distributed its products to all the supermarkets ranging from small grocery shops to large supermarket like Giant and Jusco. However, it is suggested that HTIB should also distribute its products to the canteens of schools. In doing so, students will be able to buy its products easily and this way helps in promotion indirectly because students will promote the biscuits among themselves. Product Products are the main output of HTIB. HTIB ensures its products which including biscuits, cakes and snacks are of high quality from time to time although they are produced in high quantity. Besides quality, HTIB is suggested to change its existing packaging (appendix no1) to attract the consumers. Since one of its targeted markets is the students, attractive packaging is better because students are normally buy biscuits and cakes with nice packaging besides considering about their price. Nice packaging brings deep impression to the consumers. 4.3 Leadership HTIB already has good leadership from Mr Soo Thien [emailprotected] Thien See (CEO) in leading the employees to the direction which already set for HTIB. However, it is suggested that HTIB should also implement Theory O as stated by BEER and Nohria (2000) in order to achieve the vision and mission of HTIB. The leaders should adapt softer approach to overcome the change effectively. Leaders should affect the corporate culture by creating the culture of creative thinking and hardworking and the way the employees work. For example, after implementing rightsizing, leaders should encourage the employees who are able to remain in HTIB to have the creative thinking culture by organizing training and development, some internal competitions for the employees and others to them so that employees have contributions more to the strategy of diversification. 5.0 Conclusion HTIB should continue its effort on improving its sales and revenue. Analyzing its internal and external environment is crucial to aware of its resources and capabilities as well as its competitors in order to find out better strategies to achieve its vision and mission. Good allocation of resources and fully utilization of capabilities is important to HTIB so that to achieve efficiency when implementing any strategies and meeting effectiveness as required. HTIB should evaluate and control itself from time to time so that it always competitive in the biscuits manufacturing industry forever. (4499 words) Prepared by ____________ (NG PEI LING)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Positive Focused Strategic Leadership Business Essay

Positive Focused Strategic Leadership Business Essay Mark Zuckerberg has shown himself to be a visionary leader, and it is that vision and the willingness to face whatever was put in front of him that has made Facebook the fastest growing social network website on the planet. Zuckerberg is not leading these events alone. In fact, fellow executives and video presentations are playing a significant part in the briefings. But there is no doubt that he is the main attraction. He is the person that potential investors most want to see. Although Zuckerberg is one of those CEOs who symbolize the values of his organization, he also appears keen that his colleagues do the same. Sharing leadership responsibility is a critical challenge for any CEO during a period of growth or change. Although investors are attracted to Zuckerberg and are expected to flock to the IPO, many will be feeling nervous about whether his leadership style can adapt to meet the needs of shareholders. Amongst his admirers are those who feel uneasy about his majority control and are unsure about his strategic focus. The CEO appears to be skilled at connecting with a wide range of people and balances openness, informality and a bit of nerdy quirkiness with structure and ambition. He has said in the past that he is here to build something for the long term. Zuckerberg has made mistakes. He has talked openly about them and learned from them. For example, privacy issues with the introduction of Facebooks first news feed led to one user starting a group called Students against Facebook news feed which quickly gained 750,000 users in one what. What did Zuckerberg do? He personally apologized to the groups founder and asked him for advice. He made new allies and turned a PR disaster into a positive story, which only encouraged people to engage with Facebook even more enthusiastically. Positive Focused Strategic Leadership The concept of PFSL suggests a hybrid of positive psychology and strategic leadership, which can replace Zuckerbergs Transactional style. Business leaders must also be psychological practitioners that analyze their own management techniques. Management could be argued to be a second condition of leadership, requiring leaders to have genuine human experiences when interacting with their workforce. This means at some point a leader manages someone or something. The main question is how does one lead and manage at the same time? Perhaps this question is best answered through the concept of positive psychology. Transactional Leadership To better understand the theoretical concept of any leadership style, it is imperative not to hold an intrinsic value to one notion because social sciences warrant the need for it. This means that there are no absolutes in leadership theory that best identifies a leader. Rather there is contrast and spectrums of various theoretical models and integrations. However, TL theory is based on contingent rewards for subordinates by controlling behaviors via leaders expectations. In contrast, the leaders expectations are ultimately fulfilled by what is best for him or her as the overarching goal of the group. This means the underlining motive of both leaders and subordinates are solely based on contingencies (e.g. money) and values individualism. Therefore, it can be argued that this does not serve as an ideal model for sustainability. A Leadership Analysis of Mark Zuckerberg Founder and CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerbergs leadership style through a case study format as a contrast between trait and process leadership approaches. These approaches are also compared to Zuckerbergs transactional leadership (TL) style, which is considered to be negative one. A guideline on how Zuckerberg can maintain his position of power and influence through Positive Focus Strategic Leadership (PFSL) is also discussed as a replacement leadership approach. PFSL is a synthesis of positive and strategic leadership psychological theories. This analysis and application is imperative because Zuckerberg has recently emerged as one of the major global financial leaders, as Facebooks CEO and co-founder. Therefore, Zuckerberg needs to be considered an influential entity and person. This may also suggest future leadership trends based on his level of control and influence. To some extent, Facebook (FB), a tool used to promote socialization, may be considered the alter ego of Zuckerberg since he has historically been known to be a little socially awkward. This brilliant innovation could be the result of a social skill deficit, which may be determined to be the best skill deficit of all time. For starters, he is only 27 years old and could be considered an infant in comparison to the experiences of his CEO counterparts. In addition, he has the ability to influence 10% of the worlds population and there is little known of Zuckerberg, the leader. Tim Cook When  Tim Cook  took over Apple following Steve Jobs death, many wondered what kind of leader he would be. We knew he was strong at executing on the operations behind Jobs technology and design brilliance. We knew he had been an able and competent manager whod earned the respect of Wall Street during Jobs health absences. And since taking over the company, weve learned that hes willing to do things  Jobs was against, such as making investors and employees happy with stock-buyback and charitable-giving programs. With the  announcement of a surprise  management shake-up, we got an even better picture of what kind of leader Cook will be: one who isnt too proud to admit his mistakes, and expects his team to be willing to do the same. Here are a few takeaways from Cooks leadership style: 1. Diversity of leadership is massively important: The idea behind this philosophy is that people bring lots of different experiences to the table, and companies that can harness the most amounts of creative experiences will be more innovative in their approach to business. Cook very explicitly recognizes that fact, and has made diversity a cornerstone of his management philosophy.   We want diversity of thought, he says. We want diversity of style. We want people to be themselves. Its this great thing about Apple. You dont have to be somebody else. You dont have to put on a face when you go to work and be something different. But the thing that ties us all is were brought together by values. We want to do the right thing. We want to be honest and straightforward. We admit when were wrong and have the courage to change. 2. Transparency is key: Cook knew transparency would be key. With harsh criticism about the standards of Apples global employees (especially through their manufacturing partners at Foxconn), Cook opened the doors and invited the world to see how Apples operations really worked. By doing this, he not only created goodwill around the company, but set industry standards for other manufacturers. Our transparency in supplier responsibility is an example of recognizing that the more transparent we are, the bigger difference we would make, Cook says. We want to be as innovative with supply responsibility as we are with our products. Thats a high bar. The more transparent we are, the more its in the public space. 3. Read customer emails. (If anything, it humbles you.):- You think you understand your customersbut do you? Even Tim Cook, head of the worlds most valuable company, carves out time to walk around company stores and read customer e-mails.   Ill walk around our stores, he says. You can learn a tremendous amount in a store. I get a lot of e-mails and so forth, but its a different dimension when youre in a store and talking to customers face to face. You get the vibe of the placeNot allowing yourself to become insular is very important-maybe the most important thing, I think, as a CEO. 4. You can only do a few things great.- Considering the size of Apple, its pretty remarkable to think about how few products the company  actually  creates. I mean, if you really look at it, we have four iPods. We have two main iPhones. We have two iPads, and we have a few Macs. Thats it, he says. The point is: focus on what you do best, and do it the best you can.  We argue and debate like crazy about what were going to do, because we know that we can only do a few things great, he says. At the right time, well keep disrupting and keep discovering new things that people didnt know they wanted. 5. Admit youre wrong: Ultimately, Cooks advice for entrepreneurs and CEOs is advice thats pretty helpful for anyone, really. So many people, particularly, I think, CEOs and top executives, they get so planted in their old ideas, and they refuse or dont have the courage to admit that theyre now wrong, he says. Maybe the most underappreciated thing about Steve was that he had the courage to change his mind. And you know-its a talent. Its a talent. Word Counter: 1,527 Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 2013, from (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 2013, from (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 2013, from (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 2013, from (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 2013, from Mini Essay 2 Cultural Awareness In this new era, cultural awareness is a very important factor to become a better and successful leader. Why cultural awareness is important because if you want to do any business or even a job you have to have a strong knowledge of culture otherwise you want be able to do run a business or do a job successfully. But when it comes to problem solving, one of the benefits of a diverse workforce to increase today, it is to bring innovation creative ideas, and new perspectives. To take advantage of employees skill leader must have a cultural awareness. Here in New Zealand managed organization leaders have a solid knowledge of different cultures and to maintain peace and stability in the organization. Treaty of Waitangi is also very cross culture issue in New Zealand it was signed between Hobson and over 500 Maori leaders at that time February 6, 1840 was signed. In this contract Maori have agreed that the immigrants can come and live here in New Zealand. The Treaty of Waitangi is very sensitive issue, as in New Zealand. So there are many issues related to the Treaty of Waitangi in the previous year. This issue needs more attention as it is very sensitive in terms of cultural awareness. Cultural awareness leads to peace like in New Zealand people from different countries and working together which means it broaden the opportunity of learning various migrated and working together which means it broaden the opportunity of learning various cultures and firm the bond between different cultures. In New Zealand where Maori Language is national language and various things in this country happens according to Maori culture which means it respects the very native culture of this land for example Haka dance which someway known as war dance is performed before every event where New Zealand is represented. Having knowledge of the other culture increases the collectivism and maintains the connection between different group of people which further helps in establishment of good relationship. A good Leader first always study the area, people inherited the area, their culture then mold his/her style of Leadership according to the environment. According to the survey by the ministry of culture and heritage that cultural consciousness has contributed to the economy of New Zealand. New Zealand government have also started some cross-cultural programmes when you start a new business or job in New Zealand and which is very important because if you have insufficient Cultural Awareness you could probably:- Compromise your work project and fail it completely. Find it difficult to build good business relationship. Make people not like you in your new location. Feel frustrated, depressed, and emotionally alone. The Importance of Cross Cultural awareness:- You get to know the requirements that are required to operate business effectively in an international environment. Intercultural awareness is accepted, to create an environment that allows the culture of each. With the aim of contributing to the behaviour in a way that enriches the outcome values, perspective, constructive. Host countrys laws, traditions and customs. Leaders must know their potential enemies can share a common interest to address. Understanding of political, economic, and cultural diversity to the international perspective. Under Leadership aspect cultural awareness plays a very vital role to maintain the balance between different cultures. For an organization, cultural awareness is a key element to diversify the business in order to lead in the marketplace as far as business view is concerned. There is a Great relevance of Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand business activities. Many traders say that it is irrelevant, but in many ways it is a good business that actually claims and whanau, hapu, and the sheep will help release the economic potential is relevant. Expenses related to the disposal of existing as real fact that just fewer than 700 million in debt. The Treaty is often the subject of heated debate, and much disagreement by both Maori and non-Maori New Zealanders. Many Maori feel that the Crown did not fulfill its obligations under the Treaty, and have presented evidence of this before sittings of the Tribunal. Some non-Maori New Zealanders have suggested that Maori may be abusing the Treaty in order to claim special privileges. The date of the signing has been  a national holiday, now called  Waitangi Day, since 1974. In last I would say that New Zealand is very small and beautiful country. In our country people should care about culture of other people who come from different countries and work to gather in one organization. Organizations today focus less on the individual and more on the team. This change has been brought about by the increasing attention of the benefits that diversity carries. Though much effort is required to successfully manage diversity, cultural awareness can serve as a stepping stone to gain employees trust, respect and cooperation. Word Counter: 822 Bibliography Inkson, K., Kolb, D. (2002). Management: Perspectives for New Zealand. Auckland: Pearson Education New Zealand Limited. lianz.waikato. (1999, 2 10). TREATY OF WAITANGI SETTLEMENT. Retrieved february 1, 2013, from (n.d.). Retrieved 2 15, 2013, from Mini Essay 3 Graziella Thake-Hobday Graziella Thake-Hobday, the Founder and CEO of the Foundation for Social Responsibility New Zealand (FOStR NZ), is a former forensic and corporate psychologist with an absolute dedication to enabling the development of a better world. Born in India of Maltese and Italian decent, she grew up in over ten countries which have equipped her with the tools to easily work with people from all walks of life. Graziella uses her professional skills and passion for humanity to not only help individuals and organizations attain success, but also to give back to the communities of which we are all a part.   She spent many years practicing Forensic Psychology,  Sports and Team Psychology and Organizational Psychology, and has worked as a facilitator, advisor and leader in a number of not-for- profit and corporate entities.   Graziella travels internationally as a consultant, speaker, and for NGOs highlighting the importance of authentic leadership, conscious communication, collaborative education, and community responsibility, through the development of personal legacies. She has over 20 years experience delivering facilitation. The Conscious Academy has run the 12 programs developed by Graziella to bring this knowledge and power to the forefront of leadership, corporations and communities, through multiple brands over the last decade. The Conscious Academy is licensing globally. Graziella is: Enthusiastic, Valuable, Team Driver player, Dedicated. More recently Graziella has devoted her time to the development of the Foundation for Social Responsibility New Zealand (FOStR NZ). FOStR NZ aims to reduce and minimize negative social and economic consequences affecting society today by inspiring and measuring the social contributions made by corporate, SMEs, NGOs and individuals Specialties Graziella has an absolute dedication to enabling the development of a better world Facilitating and bringing simple solutions. A real passion and capability for providing frameworks that are attainable and sustainable for human change. Real, Passionate and approachable, both as a speaker, facilitator and consultant who brings passion, dedication, straight talking, and compassion Experience with multiple audiences, communities, needs and brands. Foundation for Social Responsibility The trust has been formed on the belief that social responsibility is everyones responsibility; it belongs to businesses large and small, boards, leaders, NGOs, communities and individuals. All of these groups contribute to and have a stake in our society, sustainable economic development and the communities that enable it. We are convinced that there are significant gaps in New Zealanders understanding of social issues, a lack of awareness of the valuable work being done, and most importantly, how they can get involved. We believe that by addressing these shortfalls we will be able to support and accelerate the growth of social responsibility initiatives in New Zealand, and in so doing make a real and measurable impact on reducing poverty. New Zealand has a myth of itself as a socially progressive country. We pride ourselves on our social policy being the first country in the world to introduce womens suffrage, universal suffrage, and our advanced social welfare policies of the depression era, homosexual law reform and more. Yet our child abuse statistics are horrendous, our prison population is third highest in the world, and 20% of our children live in poverty. These are just some of the social elements that require attention. Our message is that we need to share responsibility for social issues affecting New Zealanders, provide care to those who need it, and together work hard to look after our neighbors, neighborhoods and communities. Social Responsibility is everyones Responsibility. Trust Vision Our vision is about creating positive change. We want Kiwis to be more caring of their communities and those who live in them. We want them to be more aware of the issues facing their communities and to be inspired to take action and help resolve them. Trust Activities Provide an online information and education resource about socially responsible initiatives taking place around New Zealand Through research, assess the work being done to address New Zealands social issues in order to highlight successes, as well as identifying where improvement is needed Based on the above, inspire, encourage and support individuals and corporate in particular to undertake socially responsible behaviour. For example, this may take the form of educational seminars in schools, communities and businesses which teach people about the simple actions they can take in order to make a positive difference. Research Research will play a key role in helping FOStR NZ achieve its vision. Research will help ensure we are always dealing with the facts and will therefore add all-important credibility to FOStR NZ and our work. Our own researchers will work collaboratively with third parties such as NGOs, tertiary institutions and government agencies in order to gain a sound understanding of New Zealands social responsibility landscape. In particular we want to: Identify and understand the key social issues affecting New Zealand today Define what social responsibility means to New Zealanders Understand what socially responsible activity is already happening, region by region, and measure the outcomes Identify any gaps which social issues are not being addressed? Word Counter: 839